CENTENARY OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION (1917-2017) / Barcelona / 25-27 octobre 2017

Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona. Deadline : 30 octobre 2016

The Russian Revolution of 1917 is one of the events that more deeply marked the so-called short Twentieth Century, which began in 1914 with World War I and ended in 1991 with the demise of the Soviet Union, two milestones closely linked with the Revolution itself.

We are facing a fact that pierced Russian borders, shaking the political and social life of much of the world; that served both as a reference and as a specter in mobilizing all the energies and resources in many countries; and that led to the formation of a political, economic and military power that was a protagonist of the great historical events of the past century.

For that very reason, on the occasion of the commemoration of the centenary of the Russian Revolution (1917-2017), from the Centre d’Estudis Històrics Internacionals of the Universitat de Barcelona, and through the consolidated research group GRANMA (Grup de Recerca i Anàlisi del Món Actual), we launch an international Congress to collect the contributions, in the field of historical research, about the Revolution and its international impact. Scientific contributions, in the form of papers, must be addressed to any of the six areas in which the Congress will be organized:

ƒ World War I and Revolution   –   Revolution and Work  –  ƒ Woman and Revolution ƒ –  The fear of Revolution – ƒVisions of the Revolution ƒ The implosion of Soviet Union


The deadlines for the submission of papers are: Papers proposal: Until October 30th, 2016, via email. The following data must be included: full name of the submitter, education or profession, work or research center, phone number, email address, title of the paper, short summary of 500-700 characters and area in which it is addressed. Acceptance: November 15th, 2016. Submission: Until June 30th, 2017. To submit a paper it is essential to formalize the registration to the Congress. Extension: A maximum of de 30,000 characters, with spaces and notes, electronic format only (PC compatible word processing: Word, Open Office). Languages: Catalan, Spanish, English. Format: It will be communicated once the paper has been accepted.

Scientific Committee: Grup de Recerca i Anàlisi del Món Actual (GRANMA) Coordinator: Antoni Segura

Centre d’Estudis Històrics Internacionals-Pavelló de la República (CEHI-ABPR) Avinguda Cardenal Vidal i Barraquer, 34-36 08035 Barcelona SPAIN Mail:  cehi@ub.edu

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
1917 (23 octobre 2016). CENTENARY OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION (1917-2017) / Barcelona / 25-27 octobre 2017. 1917, année révolutionnaire. Consulté le 14 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/adw2