Revolutions and Labour Relations in Global Historical Perspective / Austria / 21-23 September 2017

53rd ITH Conference
Worlds of Labour Turned Upside Down – Revolutions and Labour Relations in Global Historical Perspective

Linz/Upper Austria, 21–23 September 2017

Conference languages: German / English

After a long quarantine, “revolution” is back as a topic of historiographical debate. The upcoming anniversary of 1917 – arguably one of, if not the most momentous event of the 20th century – has further fuelled this renewed interest. The reasons for the trend might be sought, on the one hand, in broader contemporary social experiences of crisis – including economic crises, recent upheavals in the Arab world, or movements and governments in Latin America aiming at transformation or even explicitly revolution. On the other hand, internal shifts within the domains of historical studies have made revolutions an attractive object of study again: Under the influence of dynamic debates around “global history” and “transnational perspectives” revolutions have emerged as an obvious object of study for those interested in the circulation of ideas, persons, commodities, practices, etc., as well as the connection between locations.

Submission of proposals: by 29 January 2017

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1917 (27 janvier 2017). Revolutions and Labour Relations in Global Historical Perspective / Austria / 21-23 September 2017. 1917, année révolutionnaire. Consulté le 14 janvier 2025 à l’adresse