Second Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies “The Russian Revolution and Its Legacies” / Tartu / June 4-6 2017

Centre for EU-Russia Studies at the University of Tartu, the Global Europe Centre at the University of Kent, the Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Uppsala University / “Building Research Excellence in Russian and East European Studies at the Universities of Tartu, Uppsala and Kent” (UPTAKE)

The conference will open on June 4 with a keynote address by Ronald Grigor Suny (University of Michigan) who will speak about Lessons of October:  The Fate of Democracy and Socialism in the Age of Revolution and Counter-Revolution:
The year 1917 was marked by an euphoria of popular power and democracy, a dream of utopia that soon would devolve into civil war and terror, eventuating in the nightmare of Stalinism.  Trotsky wrote his famous essay “Lessons of October” in 1924 in the belief that too little was known about the October Revolution and that other countries needed their own October. We might also consider what October has taught us (and might still teach us today) about the future of democracy and socialism if we begin by seriously appreciating the ambiguous legacy of Soviet “socialism.” The question remains:  how have we ended up 100 years after October in a global crisis of democracy and socialism?

Plenary roundtable Soviet Legacies and De-Sovietization in Russia and Eastern Europe will be held in the afternoon on Monday, 5 June.
The aim of the roundtable will be to offer a range of critical perspectives on the issue of Soviet and/or imperial legacies as a factor of post-Soviet development. The idea is to reflect on the general significance of the concept of legacies and to compare the experience of different societies in the region in their post-socialist transition, and the role played by the legacies of the past in the success or failure of democratic consolidation.

The roundtable will feature the following speakers:

– Mark Kramer, Harvard University
– Richard Sakwa, University of Kent
– Madina Tlostanova, Linköping University

Moderator: Lauri Mälksoo, University of Tartu

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1917 (29 juillet 2017). Second Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies “The Russian Revolution and Its Legacies” / Tartu / June 4-6 2017. 1917, année révolutionnaire. Consulté le 14 janvier 2025 à l’adresse