Conference “Beyond the Revolution in Russia. Narratives – Spaces – Concepts. A 100 Years since the Event” / Prague / November 7-9 2017

Faculty of Arts of the Charles University and Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes in cooperation with Institute for the Study of Strategic Regions of the Charles University, The Institute of Philosophy and Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences

The outbreak of a socialist revolution in one of the least industrially developed European regions might be found by the contemporaries as surprising as the destabilizing potential of new revolutionary thoughts in the following period of the civil war. Its consequences were fully manifested, for instance, in young successor states of the Austrian Empire: Poland, Czechoslovakia, or Hungary. Apart from the immediate influence of revolutionary events, we would like to focus on transferring and transforming functions of ideas, concepts, and practices of the revolution both within Russian, or rather Soviet Empire, and in the Central-Eastern European region.

During the conference, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the events in Russia, we would like to consider individual layers of reception, commemoration, and performance of revolutionary thoughts, images, and practices in the area of the Central and Eastern Europe.

We would like to render the Russian revolution in its ambiguity between the event itself, medium-term social and economic transformations, and a long-term reconfiguration of the spaces of power and politics.

In what ways and directions did the revolutionary violence spread? What concept of the revolution became the basis for the hegemonic ideological toolbox of the Stalinist Empire after the subsequent civil war? How were the images of the Russian Revolution changing within the dominant discourses of the state-socialist dictatorships in the post-Stalinist era? What was left of revolutionary thoughts in the so-called post-ideological era after the “end of history” in 1989?

These and similar questions should open up the discussion of the issues from the fields of philosophy, political science, historiography, and other social sciences and humanities, which can be connected with, although not limited to, the following topics:

Narratives of the Russian Revolution

Historiographical concepts, key debates, contemporary interpretations, layers of interpretation, the transformation of images and roles of the Russian revolution in the Central-Eastern European cultures

Russian Revolution in time and space

Revolution and the Russian Empire (Russian revolutions 1905-1917), performance and topography of the spread of revolutionary practices, features and layers of historical memory, commemoration rituals and the places of memory of the Russian Revolution

Concepts and interpretations of the Russian Revolution

The Russian concept of revolution and its reception; did the idea of the Russian revolution fail? Russian revolution in Czechoslovak (or Czech and Slovak) and Central and Eastern European intellectual space


November 7, 2017
12:00 – 19:30


18:30 – 19:30
Key Note I Siyaves Azeri (École Normale Supérieure Paris, France)
Class Wars: The Relevance of the Bolshevik Revolution and the Actualizability of Socialism

19:30 – 21:00

November 8, 2017
9:00 – 10:00
Key Note II
Miroslav Hroch (Charles University, Prague, CZ)
Revoluce jako „lokomotivy dějin“ nebo nástroj kauzální analýzy? // Revolutions as “Locomotives of History” or Interpretation Tools of Causal Analysis?

10:30 – 12:15
Panel I. Beyond the Representation of the Revolution – Za obrazem revoluce
H. Skořepa Od Platonova po Ajtmatova, od Ejzenštejna po Abuladzeho (Obraz revoluce v sovětské literatuře a filmu) // From Platonov to Aitmatov, from Eisenstein to Abuladze (Image of the Revolution in the Soviet Literature and Film)
K. Feigelson Filming the terror in USSR after October 1917
L. Sablina Rethinking 1917: Revolution in debates of post-imperial emigrants, 1920s-30s
O. Slačálek Proměny obrazu ruské revoluce u S. K. Neumanna a E. Goldman // Transformation of Images of the Russian Revolution in the Work of S. K. Neumann and E. Goldmann

13:15 – 14:30
Panel II. Revolution(s) before the Revolution – Revoluce před revolucí
R. Vlček Ruská politická reforma – východisko z krize ruského státu? Vize, iluze, realita. // Russian Political Reform – the solution of a crisis of the Russian state? Vision, Ilusion and Reality.
S. Sztern Let there be light! Did the 1917 Revolution Lift the Peasantry of Tsarist Russia out of Analphabetism or the Tsarist railroads Catalize this Evolution?
A. Hrebiková Role ruské inteligence a děkabristů v první polovině devatenáctého století jako předchůdců revolucionářů roku 1917 // Function of the Russian Intellectuals and Decembrists in the First Half of 19th Century as Predecessors of Revolutionaries of 1917

14:45 – 16:30
Panel III. Beyond the Ideas of the Revolution – Za myšlenkami revoluce
R. P. Vasconcellos Dismantling Constructivism: the Avant-Garde’s City-Machine and the Scientific Socialist Utopia of Soviet Territorialization
E. Orekh, O. Boitsova Political opponents in children’s drawings of 1917–1918: from iconography to sociology
M. P. Vinha Revolution as trauma in the fiction of Ivan Bunin
O. Pavlova My – revoluce, my – Skythové, my – proletkult // We – Revolution, We – Skyths, We – Proletkult

16:45 – 18:00
Panel IV. Beyond the Locality of the Revolution – Za oblastí revoluce
T. Schmutz Between Revolution and a New World Order. The implications of the Russian revolutions on the visions, war aims and strategy of the Central Powers from Central Europe to Palestine.
K. Mišovičová Slovenská republika rád v roku 1919 ako štát diktatúry proletariátu // Slovak Soviet Republic of the 1919 as a Dictatorship of the Proletariat
P. Fiktus The Bolshevik revolution in the assessment of the Polish political-legal thought in the period 1917-1921

November 9, 2017
10:00 – 11:00
Key Note III
Jože Pirjevec (University of Primorska, Slovenia)

11:15 – 12:30
Panel V. Beyond the Art of the Revolution – Za uměním revoluce
M. Podzorova Being a “Revolutionary Artist” after 1917
M. Kittlová Jiří Weil – podoby a paradoxy revolučnosti // Jiří Weil – Forms and Paradoxes of the Revolutionary Character
H. Kosáková Obraz ruské revoluce v díle Alexandra Bloka // Image of the Russian Revolution in the Work of Alexandr Blok

13:30 – 14:45
Panel VI. Beyond the Events of the Revolution – Za událostmi revoluce
A. Bosiacki Shaping the first totalitarian state. The legal system at the beginning of the Bolshevik Revolution (October 1917-1921) and its implications
E. Iakovleva Emotions in describing events of the Revolution in Russia in the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks): Short source
A. Brait Representations of the Upheavals in 1917 Russia in Exhibitions and Texstbooks

15:00 – 16:15
Panel VII. Beyond the Interpretations of the Revolution – Za vysvětlením revoluce
W. H. Kulczewska Stalin for the revolution, revolution for Stalin. The actual role of Joseph Stalin in the Bolshevik Revolution vs. how he benefited from it during his rule.
V. I. Meňkovskij, M. Šmigeľ Rok 1917 v ruskej historickej politike a súčasnej ruskojazyčnej historiografii // The Year 1917 in the Russian Politics and Historiography
R. Soběhart, F. Stellner „Westernizace” v ruském politickém diskurzu 1905-1917 // Westernization in the Russian Political Discourse from 1905 to 1917

16:30 – 17:45
Panel VIII. Beyond the Soviet space – Za sovětským prostorem
T. Lipai Beyond the Revolution in Russia: History, Memory and Migration
E. Petrova “Alienated” space is in the post-peasantry Russia. How the media do affects it?
K. Jarosz Soviet, friend of foe through the lens of historical museums

18:00 – 19:30
Panel IX. – Round Table: Beyond the Revolution in Russia – Za obzorem revoluce v Rusku

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1917 (26 octobre 2017). Conference “Beyond the Revolution in Russia. Narratives – Spaces – Concepts. A 100 Years since the Event” / Prague / November 7-9 2017. 1917, année révolutionnaire. Consulté le 6 décembre 2024 à l’adresse