Archives de catégorie : Appel à contribution en cours / Call for papers

Conference “1917/2017. Revolutions, Communist Legacies and Spectres of the Future” / St-Petersburg / October 24–26 2017

European University at St. Petersburg, Deadline : August 15th 2017

What is the meaning of the event of the 1917 revolutions for us today? What did 1917 open and what did it block? What are its legacies and what is the relation of 1917 to the perspective from which its legacies are assessed? We would like to speak particularly of the political, social, and intellectual legacy of 1917 which has not been sufficiently pronounced in comparison to the French revolution of 1789.

Continuer la lecture de Conference “1917/2017. Revolutions, Communist Legacies and Spectres of the Future” / St-Petersburg / October 24–26 2017

Conference “1917 – Revolution in War, Society in Revolution” (4th conference from the series Hobnailed Years in the Battlefields 1914–1918) / Prague / September 19-21 2017

Military History Institute Prague / Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Deadline 10 July 2017

The drawn-out conflict, which without making any difference among the belligerent parties gradually dominated all the participating states and their inhabitants, succeeded in the meantime in disrupting and re-structuring of the social structures and institutions. In 1917, the degree of war exhaustion not only reached the limits of bearability, but in many cases went well beyond them. In desperate effort to defeat the war, people in hinterland as well as soldiers in the front line stepped en masse outside of the conventions for the first time, into the unpredictable and unknown realm of the revolution. That is what happened in Russia, where on one hand the double revolt took the country out of the world war, but at the cost of collaps and the following agony of a civil war. Not everywhere did the revolt against the war question the war itself and its goals; instead, it turned against the ways of its conduct, like in France, where the military mutinies almost destroyed the military readiness of her armies.

Continuer la lecture de Conference “1917 – Revolution in War, Society in Revolution” (4th conference from the series Hobnailed Years in the Battlefields 1914–1918) / Prague / September 19-21 2017

Conference “The Asian Arc of the Russian Revolution: Setting the East Ablaze?” / Singapore / November 16-17 2017

Université Sorbonne Paris Cité / the National University of Singapore, Deadline : 15 June 2017

Université Sorbonne Paris Cite and the National University of Singapore are pleased to announce a two-day conference on the trajectory of the Russian Revolution in Asia, broadly defined to include the Asian territories of the Russian Empire as well as Northeast, South and Southeast Asia. Scholars working in all relevant disciplines, including history, political science, Russian and Asian studies, economics, cultural studies, sociology and anthropology are invited to submit proposals for fifteen- to twenty-minute papers or panels addressing this theme. The conference will include academic panels, a historiographical roundtable, and keynote speeches by leading scholars in the field of Russo-Asian history.

Continuer la lecture de Conference “The Asian Arc of the Russian Revolution: Setting the East Ablaze?” / Singapore / November 16-17 2017

Conference “Art and Ideology 100 years since the October Revolution” / Athens / November 3-4 2017

Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences Leof. Syggrou 136, Deadline : June 18, 2017

The October Revolution is considered to be an important event for both the Russian and world twentieth-century history. The completion of one hundred years from the events of 1917 serve as an occasion for reflection and critical reading of the past, while major questions arise about the present: Why does the Russian Revolution still concerns us? How can this event be approached today, three decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall?

Continuer la lecture de Conference “Art and Ideology 100 years since the October Revolution” / Athens / November 3-4 2017

Conference “1917-2017: Hundred Years of Russian Revolution in Art and Aesthetics” / Stockholm / October 19-21 2017

Färgfabriken, Södertörn University and Moderna Museet, Deadline :  April 24 2017.

The conference will bring together scholars and researchers from fields relating to the visual arts, cultural studies, media, and aesthetics to discuss questions about the relationship between art and Revolution in Russia.
 In October 2017 the world marks centenary of Russian Revolution. It is hard to overestimate its consequences both in Russia and worldwide, as it had influenced on further political, social and economic development globally. Revolution also affected cultural and artistic stances in Russia and in the world for many decades ahead.

Continuer la lecture de Conference “1917-2017: Hundred Years of Russian Revolution in Art and Aesthetics” / Stockholm / October 19-21 2017

International Conference “Man In The Age Of Cataclysms: The Experience Of 1917” / Moscow / 20-21 October 2017

Moscow, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Humanities, School of Philology, Deadline : July 15 2017

Russia’s 1917 has gone down in world history as a year of drastic tectonic shifts, of a change in the vector of development of all humanity. Addressing this period in Russian history provides unique material for sociological, politological and philosophical synthesis

The theme of the conference is focused on research into the “human experience” of revolution, whose irruption into the sphere of “private life” has always been fraught with profound upheavals. Participant’s contributions should be based on diaries, correspondence, artworks, sketches and other “human documents”, to use the definition of L.Ya. Ginzburg, produced in the years 1917-1918.

Continuer la lecture de International Conference “Man In The Age Of Cataclysms: The Experience Of 1917” / Moscow / 20-21 October 2017

Workshop on the history of 1917 Revolution / Tel Aviv / May 26-30 2018

Program in Russian and East European Studies at University of Notre Dame; Cummings Center for Russian and East European Studies at Tel Aviv University; Israeli Inter-University Academic Partnership in Russian and East European Studies, Deadline : July 1, 2017.

The Program in Russian and East European Studies at the University of Notre Dame is pleased to invite scholars from all disciplines to submit proposals for papers at the 3rd meeting of the Notre Dame workshop on the history of 1917 Revolution, which will be held at Tel Aviv University on May 26-30, 2018. Those interested in participating should contact the workshop convener, Semion Lyandres, at Graduate students and recent PhDs are especially encouraged to submit proposals. The workshop is being organized in association with the Cummings Center for Russian and East European Studies at Tel Aviv University and The Israeli Inter-University Academic Partnership in Russian and East European Studies. The organizers will cover the costs of attending the workshop, including airfare and accommodation. Please submit your proposal of a maximum of 500 words and a short CV to:, by the deadline of July 1, 2017.

More information

Journée d’études / (R)évolution : héritage, représentations et expériences contemporaines / Paris / 5 mai 2017

Réseau des Jeunes Chercheurs en Histoire Culturelle, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. Date limite : 1er avril 2017

1917, l’année de la Révolution russe, l’année qui a changé le monde et dont les conséquences se font ressentir jusqu’à nos jours. Ce bouleversement de l’ordre politique et social n’a pas seulement une signification symbolique, mais une portée profonde inscrite dans la durée.

Pour le peuple russe, 1917 fut l’année des Révolutions : contre les privilèges réservés à la noblesse et une certaine classe sociale, contre la faim, contre la guerre, contre une classe politique corrompue et indifférente, contre l’exploitation des travailleurs et des paysans, et contre l’appropriation de leur travail, contre les révolutionnaires de salon et les intellectuels complices, c’est-à-dire contre l’ordre établi et son statu quo. Ces revendications, vieilles de cent ans, sont-elles toujours d’actualité ? Sont-elles différentes de celles des sociétés européennes d’aujourd’hui ?

Continuer la lecture de Journée d’études / (R)évolution : héritage, représentations et expériences contemporaines / Paris / 5 mai 2017

Beyond the Revolution in Russia. Narratives – Spaces – Concepts. A 100 Years since the Event / Prague / 7-10 novembre

Faculty of Arts of Charles University (náměs Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1). Deadline : May 15, 2017

The outbreak of a socialist revolution in one of the least industrially developed European regions might be found by the contemporaries as surprising as the destabilizing potential of new revolutionary thoughts in the following period of the civil war. Its consequences were fully manifested, for instance, in young successor states of the Austrian Empire: Poland, Czechoslovakia, or Hungary. Apart from the immediate influence of revolutionary events, we would like to focus on transferring and transforming functions of ideas, concepts, and practices of the revolution both within Russian, or rather Soviet Empire, and in the Central-Eastern European region.

Continuer la lecture de Beyond the Revolution in Russia. Narratives – Spaces – Concepts. A 100 Years since the Event / Prague / 7-10 novembre

The “long” 1917 The Bolshevik revolution in a transnational perspective / Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea N°31

Deadline : March 20th 2017

The revolutionary year of 1917 and the events of the following years until 1923 may be interpreted as a “long” 1917. The fall of the Czarist Empire, triggered by the war-weariness that exacerbated discontent on the war- and homefront, and then the Bolshevik revolution had consequences for all the belligerent parties of World War I. The Central Empires saw the chance to close the eastern Front while the Entente feared that this could switch the balance of power against them.

Continuer la lecture de The “long” 1917 The Bolshevik revolution in a transnational perspective / Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea N°31

Revolutions and Labour Relations in Global Historical Perspective / Austria / 21-23 September 2017

53rd ITH Conference
Worlds of Labour Turned Upside Down – Revolutions and Labour Relations in Global Historical Perspective

Linz/Upper Austria, 21–23 September 2017

Conference languages: German / English

After a long quarantine, “revolution” is back as a topic of historiographical debate. The upcoming anniversary of 1917 – arguably one of, if not the most momentous event of the 20th century – has further fuelled this renewed interest. The reasons for the trend might be sought, on the one hand, in broader contemporary social experiences of crisis – including economic crises, recent upheavals in the Arab world, or movements and governments in Latin America aiming at transformation or even explicitly revolution. On the other hand, internal shifts within the domains of historical studies have made revolutions an attractive object of study again: Under the influence of dynamic debates around “global history” and “transnational perspectives” revolutions have emerged as an obvious object of study for those interested in the circulation of ideas, persons, commodities, practices, etc., as well as the connection between locations.

Submission of proposals: by 29 January 2017

More information Continuer la lecture de Revolutions and Labour Relations in Global Historical Perspective / Austria / 21-23 September 2017


В 2017 г.  Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории (РГАСПИ) проводит VII Международную конференцию молодых  ученых и специалистов «КЛИО».

Место проведения: Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории, Россия, г. Москва, ул. Большая Дмитровка, 15 (м. Охотный Ряд, Театральная, Пушкинская, Тверская, Чеховская).

5-7 апреля 2017 г.

Конференция «КЛИО. Исторические документы и актуальные проблемы археографии, архивоведения и источниковедения, российской и всеобщей истории нового и новейшего времени» – это открытая площадка для обсуждения широкого спектра актуальных научных проблем молодыми учеными в области гуманитарных и смежных с ними дисциплин.

Заявка на участие


«Февральская революция 1917 года и «путь Февраля»: нереализованный потенциал, место и значение в истории России» / Москва / 15 марта 2017

Научно-информационный и просветительский центр «Мемориал»

Постоянно действующий семинар «Левые в России: история и общественная память»
Вольное историческое общество

объявляют о проведении 15 марта 2017 г. научной конференции

Заявки и тезисы докладов принимаются до 10 февраля 2017 г. по электронной почте на два адреса – (Морозову Константин Николаевичу) и (Семеновой Татьяне Алексеевне).



1917 : Emergence de l’Ukraine / Paris / novembre 2017

INALCO. Date limite : 1 mars 2017

En 2017, le centenaire des révolutions russes est aussi celui d’une révolution ukrainienne spécifique. En Ukraine, les aspirations nationales se sont conjuguées aux revendications politiques et sociales et ont abouti à la création du premier Etat ukrainien moderne.

La section ukrainienne de l’INALCO organise à l’occasion de ce centenaire un colloque portant sur tous les aspects ukrainiens de ces évènements.  Continuer la lecture de 1917 : Emergence de l’Ukraine / Paris / novembre 2017

The Peripheries of the European Revolutionary Process(es) 1917–1923 / Florence / 5-7 October

European University Institute. Deadline: March 31, 2017.

The fall of the Russian Tsar and the rise to power of the Bolsheviks sent shock waves across Europe and beyond, initiating a period of momentous revolutionary transformations. Indeed, the protagonists of 1917 did not envisage their endeavour as an exclusively Russian phenomenon, but as the first act of the world revolution. As Lenin reflected in 1921, ‘we have made the start. When, at what date and time, and the proletarians of which nation will complete this process is not important. The important thing is that the ice has been broken’.

Continuer la lecture de The Peripheries of the European Revolutionary Process(es) 1917–1923 / Florence / 5-7 October