Archives de catégorie : Numéros thématiques/Special issues

Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire, “1917, un moment révolutionnaire”, n° 135, juillet-septembre 2017,

Editrices du volume: Sophie Coeuré, Sabine Dullin

Les « dix jours qui ébranlèrent le monde », pour reprendre le titre du célèbre opus du journaliste états-unien John Reed, ont, par l’instauration d’un pouvoir communiste inédit, marqué l’histoire de la Russie et celle du 20e siècle. Toutefois, le moment originel d’effondrement de l’Empire russe et du tsarisme dans le contexte de la guerre mondiale a été très largement recouvert par la mémoire et l’histoire du régime issu de la révolution bolchevique.

Continuer la lecture de Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire, “1917, un moment révolutionnaire”, n° 135, juillet-septembre 2017,

Historia Critica, Issue 64, “La Revolución Rusa (octubre de 1917): impacto en Europa y América Latina”, April 2017.

Maria Cristina Perez,  Carta a los lectores
Research Article
Renán Silva,  Presentation: On the studies about the Russian Revolution of 1917 conducted in Latin America
Hugo Fazio Vengoa, La Revolución Rusa de 1917: dilemas e interpretación

Continuer la lecture de Historia Critica, Issue 64, “La Revolución Rusa (octubre de 1917): impacto en Europa y América Latina”, April 2017.

1917 : les révolutions russes. Numéro spécial de la revue L’Histoire

Il y a cent ans, en février 1917, alors que la Russie est embourbée dans la Grande Guerre, des manifestations dégénèrent à Petrograd. En quelques jours, le régime impérial du tsar Nicolas II s’écroule.
En octobre, les bolcheviks conduits par Lénine prennent le palais d’Hiver. Que s’est-il passé entre-temps ? Les historiens redécouvrent l’extraordinaire effervescence démocratique des premiers mois de la révolution. Une période où tout semblait possible et où les bolcheviks étaient loin d’être certains de l’emporter.

Avec Marc Ferro, Éric Aunoble, Dominique Colas, Sabine Dullin, Catherine Gousseff, Boris Kolonitskii, Emilia Koustova, Catherine Merridale, Alexandre Sumpf, Nicolas Werth.

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History, Memory, Politics: The Russian Revolution 100 Years On / Scando-Slavica

Call for Papers for a special issue of Scando-Slavica. Deadline : 1 March 2017

2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, or the “Great October Revolution” as it was called in the Soviet Union. Back then, there was no doubt that the Revolution was truly “great.” But in the 25 years that have passed since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the meaning of the Revolution has become highly contested.

This special issue invites scholars to analyse how the 1917 Russian Revolution is understood and discussed in today’s Russia. We welcome creative and theoretically reflective analyses of an engaging empirical material. We are interested in both how the anniversary itself is celebrated (or not), and in the ways in which talking about the Revolution have developed since 2000.

Continuer la lecture de History, Memory, Politics: The Russian Revolution 100 Years On / Scando-Slavica

1917-2017: One Hundred Years of the Russian Revolution in Latin America / World Tensions

Call for Papers for a special issue of World Tensions. Deadline : 30 April 2017

World Tensions seeks articles for a special issue focused on critical reflection upon the legacy of the Russian Revolution in Latin America and the Caribbean. Our main objective is to open debate on the many and varied influences of the Russian Revolution in Latin America and the Caribbean. They include, for example, the fields of social life, culture,art, education, science, health, architecture, and politics.

The confluence of the rise of late capitalism, the neoliberal university, the precariousness of intellectual work, the weakening of the labor movement, the retreat of the Latin American left and ultra-right populisms have stimulated the idea that the transformations provoked on different levels by the Russian Revolution—which affected the lives of millions of human beings—are today
part of the past, an anachronistic legacy. The rise of such phenomena has contributed to distortions and even falsifications not only of the Russian Revolution itself, but of its global influence.

Continuer la lecture de 1917-2017: One Hundred Years of the Russian Revolution in Latin America / World Tensions

SLAVIC REVIEW / The 100-year anniversary of the Russian revolutions

Special Fall 2017 Issue: The 100-year anniversary of the Russian revolutions.

Social protest movements across the political spectrum and the globe indicate the continuing importance of the 1917 Russian revolutions. For a special Fall 2017 issue of Slavic Review we seek short essays not previously published that draw on original scholarly research. The essays should provide a significant new interpretative and analytic framework for the concept of revolution generally and particularly on the global impact of the 1917 events in the short and long term, in Russia and Eastern Europe and beyond, and their extended repercussions and legacy to the present day across national boundaries and realms of human endeavor.  All disciplines are welcome. Manuscripts (in English) should highlight the conceptual impact and analytic and interpretative themes of the work.

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Philosophy & October Revolution 1917-2017 | Lo Sguardo – Journal of Philosophy

Philosophy & October Revolution 1917-2017 | Lo Sguardo – Journal of Philosophy


On the occasion of its Hundredth anniversary, the XXV issue of Lo Sguardo (scheduled in October 2017) will be dedicated to the Russian revolution, interpreted as a crucial event of the contemporary age, which marked starkly the historical events. It was the first open challenge to the capitalism, dealing with a political change of the sovereignty, of the social structures and of the class struggles. A century later, one should rethink the theoretical constructs and the global geopolitical impact of Russian revolution, coping with its mythicization and its forgotten heritage as well.


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